Friday, December 30, 2005

World's ugliest dog

So, as a follow up to Sean's posting about the ugliest dog in the world. I've attached a picture and I have more ridiculous news about that mangled mutt. They have a calendar. Yes, you read it correctly. They have a calendar. Can you believe this? It's ridiculous. Who in their right mind would purchase, much less hang it for their viewing pleasure? I just wanted to add my 2 cents.

Monday, December 26, 2005

I do my own stunts

This cracks me up! Again with the same shirt shop, they have a new design up. It is a four panel drawing of stickfigures performing various stunts. In the first panel, we have a stickfigure jumping from a window in a tall building. In the second panel, we have a stickfigure who has lit himself on fire. In the third panel, we have a stickfigure jumping a dirtbike over severed stickfigure heads. In the last panel, we have a stickfigure sailor unsuccessfully fighting off a rather large shark. At the bottom of the four panels is the text "I do my own stunts".
I think this is a much better rendition of other I do my own stunts shirts I've seen around.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Holiday Shipping Deadlines

For all you people who waited until the last minute to buy Christmas's not too late! Go now to your local Walgreens and buy whatever they have on sale right next to the register. If you're creative enough, the "it's the thought that counts" excuse can work...but only if you come up with a good enough "thought" to go with that gift. Good luck late shoppers.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Teddy Bear in Space

Here is another design I found on the previously mentioned shirt shop. This is a cute/odd one. It's called "Teddy Bear in Space". Check it out. He's floating around, having a good time. Or is he? I don't know. He looks a tiny bit stressed. And what's up with the eye patch? Is that an alarm bell on his chest?

Monday, December 05, 2005

One funny guy!

Has anyone heard of or seen a comedian named Dane Cook? HOLY CRAP is this guy funny. He's funny in the conventional sense that he has funny jokes, but what puts him over the top are a couple of things. First, his delivery is great. He reminds me of a toned down Jack Black, which totally works. Second, his references to pop culture are great. They aren't just references to stuff going on today, but things from my past. It's almost like he was one of my friends from high school and the college years. I just listened to his new CD called Retaliation. One of the first things he starts talking about is some guy that got hit by a car. He talks about how he got hit in the hip and being your center of gravity, this sent him flying over the car like Eddie Gordo from Tekken when you don't know any of the combos and you start mashing buttons. That's hillarious! My friends and I used to play Tekken and Eddie Gordo was always the "cheat" character because you could get him to flip around and fly through the air by just mashing a bunch of buttons. Holy crap is this guy funny. I listed to his CD in the car and after 20 minutes I thought, this might not be a good idea. I was laughing so hard I'm surprised I didn't crash my car. Anyway. I just discovered this guy and thought I would share.
If you get the chance, check this guy out. Go to his shows, listen to his CDs, watch him on TV. The man is funny.