Thursday, September 28, 2006

A resolution!!!

Woo hoo! I called LG today and they said that they had just resolved the problem. It’s going to require the digital power board to be replaced. They called a repair place for me and gave them the part they needed to order. So, now I just need to wait for them to call me to fix my TV.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Pluto no more

So Pluto is no longer a planet. I guess the textbook companies are going to be raking it in selling new “correct” textbooks to thousands of high schools all over the country. It would probably be a good time to invest in a textbook company. Do textbook companies have stock? Are they traded publicly? Curious.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

ONE to never read into...

Oh, it's magic, and with no strings, or pullies. It brings the world to a stop and resets it to zero so as to get back your bearings upon its ending. Kiss. Just the word alone has influenced one band, COUNTLESS movies, books, any media really. It has tested the weak, the strong, and been the cause of wars and in that regard the deaths of uncountless numbers. But, it has only been in the past twenty to twenty-five years of our "glorious" history that this word and act has been watered down like brown-bagged wine and liquor. Some kiss indescriminately, and with no regard and those they kiss feel the same way and the physical acts they persue are just those acts and stunts. But, the most dangerous, and ones to be watched and walked around with a clear 100 feet between you and them are those who do it with passion and love in the forefront, but hollowed eyes that open halfway through. These are the true tricksters and gypsies once talked about in fairy tales, the tales that always ended with one character dead in some sort of just, but cryptic way. For your part, you must never read into this the feelings and emotion that will follow, it will burn you and burn you to the core. Life will not reset, but rather skip and then run backwards to catch up with the masses. It will make you nauseous, and claw at your temples with hopes of stopping your mind from feathering towards insanity. A kiss is a dangerous thing. In all truth it is the last true magic left in the world, black magic, and it is widely accepted and completely legal no matter what nation you live in. Oh I fallen for it, and in this very month. That sweet heroine glistening on velvet pillow lips, and I came back for more and more. But, I never heed my own warnings, and am left to deal with the aftermath and the clawing. It shames me to think that I am that weak and out of control of my own simple life and surroundings. So, on I go with this simple warning in two parts 1. NEVER read into a Kiss what you wish it to mean, you will be cut down. 2. Stick to heroine or a strong alcohol, think of the bottle as a mouth if it helps, its cheaper and will always be there for unquestioning and accepting, and for much less the cost of the ellusive Kiss. Shame on the Kiss.

Monday, September 18, 2006


I decided to keep the TV. It has great picture and great features, even if some of those features keep it from functioning at tip top shape right now. If I took it back and got another TV for a similar price, it would be about the same picture quality but without the extra features on the TV now. So, if I don’t use those features…I’m basically at that point anyway. So, I’m keeping the TV and hoping they fix the problem.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Damn you LG!!

Ok, I called LG and this is a known problem, but they have no resolution. It’s apparently some sort of software conflict with the cablecard and the TV. If I remove the cablecard, the problem goes away. BUT, if I remove the cablecard, I lose the TVGOS and will have to get an external box for my channels. That severly limits my DVR capabilities with the TV though. I guess if I got a box, I could also get a DVR from the cable company, but that’s more money. So, now…do I take the TV back or do I keep it in hopes that they fix the problem soon?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Why are there problems!?!?

Ok, there is a problem with the TV now. It turns itself off when left in standby for a long time, like overnight or during the day while I’m at work. When I say that it “turns itself off”, I mean that it looses all power and has to be reset by unplugging it, waiting a few seconds, and then plugging it back in. When you hit the power button on the TV, it never really turns off, it shuts down the LCD portion of the TV but the internal PC is still functioning. Well, if you leave it in that standby mode, it eventually powers all the way down and can’t be turned on without that previously mentioned reset. So, this sucks. It sucks double because you have to do the reset maneuver whenever you want to watch TV AND when it’s shut down like that, it doesn’t record anything OR update the TV Guide system. I’m calling LG.

Monday, September 11, 2006

A few issues with new TV

So, I’ve been with my HDTV for a few days now, and I can officially say that it rocks. It records shows with the DVR that’s built in, but I don’t get to use it a lot though. It’s almost like a digital VCR, meant to record things when you aren’t home to watch them. It will only record the channel that’s playing. If you schedule something to be recorded, it will switch the channel to that channel and record it. So, you can’t record two things at the same time and you can’t watch one show while recording another. You CAN watch something pre-recorded and record something live at the same time though. So, it’s not perfect, but it’s great for recording shows while you’re not home. It doesn’t compare to the TIVOs available out there now though. It works great for a free DVR built into a TV though.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

HD Rocks!

So, the cable guy came and hooked up my cablecard. Of course, the cable guy was about two IQ points above inept, but that’s a story for a different post. This one is about how glorious my TV displays HD content. I watched Leno in HD last night. Seriously, it almost looks 3D it’s so sharp. It’s almost eerie. It’s like it’s a window into the studio where it’s filming. Very, very cool.
I flipped and watched parts of a couple movies in HD and they looked great. To be honest, I didn’t see a huge difference with the exception of the fact that it was widescreen on the TV with no black bars. The picture quality was great, but nothing exceptionally better than regular def TV on a regular TV. I imagine it’s because the movie wasn’t filmed with HD cameras and was only converted to HD later. That’s my thought, but I don’t know for sure.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

New TV!!!

I just purchased a new LCD flat panel TV. It’s my entry into the world of HDTV and I’m pretty excited. I called the cable company and got myself hooked up with the HD package and I’ve got a cablecard coming. The TV I bought is the LG 42LB1DR, which rocks! It’s 42 inches and has a built in DVR. With the cablecard, I’m going to be able to get rid of my digital box and use the TV Guide On Screen menu that the TV uses. I’m super excited to get this bad boy up and running. Well, I mean, I have it running now, but it’s using the box and it’s just standard definition. I’ll keep you all updated on the TV situation.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Insultingly bad movie physics
This site is great!!! You have to check this out! It’s a bunch of physics majors reviewing movies for the physics used in the movie. Sounds stupid, but it’s hilarious! They rate movies, not on story, but on how physics work in the movie. They have ratings like PGP (Pretty Good Physics) and RP (Retched Physics). They rate Spider-man and talk about how much energy and mass it takes a spider to produce webbing. They said that the amount of webbing that Spider-man shoots is impossible; he would have to be constantly eating to generate that much mass out of his body. It’s funny stuff. Check it out.