Sunday, September 10, 2006

HD Rocks!

So, the cable guy came and hooked up my cablecard. Of course, the cable guy was about two IQ points above inept, but that’s a story for a different post. This one is about how glorious my TV displays HD content. I watched Leno in HD last night. Seriously, it almost looks 3D it’s so sharp. It’s almost eerie. It’s like it’s a window into the studio where it’s filming. Very, very cool.
I flipped and watched parts of a couple movies in HD and they looked great. To be honest, I didn’t see a huge difference with the exception of the fact that it was widescreen on the TV with no black bars. The picture quality was great, but nothing exceptionally better than regular def TV on a regular TV. I imagine it’s because the movie wasn’t filmed with HD cameras and was only converted to HD later. That’s my thought, but I don’t know for sure.