Friday, January 20, 2006

it was the best funeral I never attended

So, while people tell you important and useful info as to product, entertainment and fun I've decided that this is a great, no rather fantastic, spot to download my thoughts and bitterness. To this regard, I will draw from my thoughts and feelings, much like Dumbledore might draw memories from his pensieve (soup of brainfarts). It won't be pretty all the time, nay probably most of the time, but my therapist and psychatrist would both agree this a positive way to deal with any feelings of ilk or angst I might have. I might not always spell correctly (spell- check is a crutch) or even use the correct punctuation. Hell, I may not even use punctuation at all if the wind sways me in that direction. So here goes....Love is dead and past the point of regomortis. period. Those who have it should grip onto it like a hobo would a jug of corn whiskey, those who don't, better hope prostitution comes back into style. Dating has become the ultimate XBOX game complete with villians and heroes. The witty banter and bad acting that goes into your favorite Resident Evil cut scene is all there in a good date. Everyone shows up to the opposite sex with lies and script in their minds. Dating breaks down to nothing more who can keep the quips a coming the longest, and in the end hopefully you get a kiss. How much does the average date cost these days? No, I mean a real date, no budget gourmet bullshit, the real deal. 50? 75? 100 dollars? It may be coated in the hope of getting laid from the man's side or a free night on the town and a Sunday of gossip for the woman, but both have actually come for one thing. DON'T DENY IT, or you lie like a dirt-worshipping heethin. They both come with the hope of finding Love, THE ULTIMATE DRUG, THE KING OF "X" OR ANY OTHER MOOD ENHANCER OF YOUR CHOICE!!!!! but you know what it's all a farce and a waste of time and heavy breathing, cause Love's casket has long been set adrift on the Rio del Stix.