The Ghost Rider comes...
I saw the trailer on and thought it didn't look too bad. Yeah, the Ghost Rider looked a little cartoony, but seriously, how would you pull off a serious portrayal of a leather clad biker skeleton with a flaming skull for a head? Seriously. Just explaining it, it sounds cheesy. Some of the imagery was pretty cool though, like when he was riding down the street and everything was melting. That was cool. Of course, I'm thinking that that occurrence has to be something special like he's really pissed or something. If just riding down the street made everything melt every time, after a week there wouldn't be anything left unmelted. Although, they REALLY should have left the super cheesy line with Nic saying "I'm Ghost Rider" out of the trailer and out of the movie. It was so bad that I was actually a little embarrassed for Nic when he said it.
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