Friday, June 02, 2006


X-Men 3. I just saw this and I’m not entirely sure what to think. There are parts that were great, but there were some questionable parts as well. The new mutants they added were good, but they seemed pointless. Why were they there? They seemed to be there only to say they were. Case in point, Angel. He served no purpose other than to show him for the fans, but not involve him in the story at all. He was not integral to the plot at all. Take him out and replace him with any other mutant and it would work the exact same way. Also, they wussied up Wolverine a bit. Since when did he get all sensitive? Last problem I’ll mention. I’ll try to be vague as not to spoil it for those who haven’t seen it, but did they have to kill her? Couldn’t they have used the cure on her to stop it all?
The good things though were good. It was fun seeing all of the new characters and Kelsey Grammer did a good job as Hank/Beast.