Sunday, October 29, 2006

The great road without gates...

For those interested in where my Blog title comes from, here is the explanation. I originally saw the quote in an epic Japanese comic called Lone Wolf & Cub. The proverb goes something like this:

The great road without gates, a thousand paths to choose
yet if you pass this by, you shall forever tread the road to hell alone.

What it means, or at least how I interpret it, is that the "great road without gates" is a representation of life. Life is a long path and inherently, there is nothing stopping you. The paths are the decisions we make in life every day. If you pass a path by, or make an bad decision, you walk the road to hell alone, meaning that you have made your own fate and nobody else is to blame for the consequences of that decision.
It's profound. So profound that I had it tattooed on my arm.

Chew on that for little bit. It's delicious.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Country bumpkins

Since I’m talking about the World Series, what’s up with the music selection?!? Does the league think we are bunch of country bumpkins here in Missouri? We are home to Nelly, Chingy, even Sheryl Crow is from Missouri. There are a ton of musical acts from Missouri that aren’t country. I can see a country band one night, perhaps even two, but all three?!? Billy Ray Cypress? What the hell? Country music fans don’t even like him. We couldn’t get anyone better than that? For a national game watched by millions, we couldn’t get anyone better than Billy Ray? Perfect.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Damn cheating bastard!

I’m not a huge baseball fan, but when you’re home team goes to the World Series, you take notice. Especially in Saint Louis, where some of the most fanatic baseball fans in the country live. I’ve got to go ahead and put it out there. Kenny Rogers is a cheater. He has shamed his team and shamed Detroit. The umpires should be canned for dropping the ball and not kicking him out of the game.
I do applaud Tony Larussa for not pressing the issue though. If I were in the world series and someone cheated, everyone knew it but those who can do something about it didn’t, then I wouldn’t stomp my feet and throw a fit. Will it get something done about it? Probably not. What it would do is tarnish the win. Saint Louis is in a pretty good position though. Supposing we lose by one game, we can always say it was because of that cheating bastard. They had to resort to cheating to beat us, so what does that say about us? If we win, the victory is that much sweeter because we overcame the opposition even with them cheating.
Cheating bastard.

Monday, October 23, 2006


So, I watch Heroes on NBC. Being a fan of superheroes in general (I also watch Smallville) I am naturally inclined to like the show on principle. There have been several attempts to make superhero based shows and most of the time they fail. For some reason, this one isn't. Could it be because the acting is decent? Could it be that the special effects are decent as well. The flying scene in the first episode was pretty poor, but the flying scene this week was great. I'm not exactly sure why he caused contrails in the air. I thought that was a byproduct of jet engines pushing air around, but I could be wrong. This is the internet, so I'm sure the first yahoo who reads this will correct me.
Anyway, so I was watching heroes and a thought occured to me. What's up with that Niki girl's powers? She's split personality and her other side kicks ass? That doesn't sound very super to me, it sounds like they have medication for that. Granted, she does see her reflection in the mirror doing winking and what not...again, medication for that. I'm hoping there is more than meets the eye with her.
Anyway, just wanted to share my thoughts.

Monday, October 09, 2006

No more TV problems...officially

It’s been a few days now and no powering off for the TV. Hoorah! I can now set my DVR to record while I’m away with confidence. Happy days for me!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

An HDTV...repaired

Repair guy was here today and he swapped out the digital power board. Of course, there’s no way to test the TV to see if it works now. We just have to wait and see if it turns off again.