Monday, April 09, 2007

For your consideration...

With the country’s fascination with contests, voting, and awards, it was only a matter of time that blogs be voted on as well. Well, now we have the blog awards to satisfy all of our blog voting needs. There are a ton of categories. I’m talking awards like Hottest Mommy blogger and the Most Obnoxious blogger, just to name a few.
Of course, you can vote for me in any category you see fit. It’s an honor just to be nominated. Ha! I’ve always wanted to say that…but then, I’ve never really been nominated for anything, so it makes it kind of difficult to say it without everyone looking at me funny. Anyway, it would be fun to vote for your favorite or the worst blogs.
You know, the only thing missing is a chance to vote a blog off the web forever. How fun would that be? Well, they’d be gone until the reunion of the blog all-stars where they bring back all of the troublemaking blogs and put them all together. Inevitably the blog we voted off this year would show up on that one. It’ll be a has been blog at that point though, it’ll probably have gained a few pounds as well. It’ll be trainwreck. Actually…I want to see that..can we make that happen? I’m serious. Can someone get on that?

Too Cool for Preschool

I've got a new shirt out in the Just Teesin' shirt shop that all of those mothers and fathers of toddlers need to check out. Now, we all know your kid is cool...but is he or she Too Cool for Preschool? You're darn right they are! You NEED to snatch one of these up RIGHT NOW. After all, your child's future so bright, they've gotta wear shades.

I can think of a thousand reasons to blog

In the world of blogging, there isn’t a lot of excitement really. I mean, don’t get me wrong, some people blog about some exciting stuff. I mean, read my blog for god’s sake…well, ok, maybe that isn’t the best example. In the world of blogging for blogging’s sake, there isn’t a lot of excitement. Well, I should say, there WASN’T a lot of excitement, but there a little company called PayPerPost is changing that.
You can’t Google blogs or PayPerPost without reading about the controversy they’re causing the blogosphere. Love em or hate em, they make waves in a relatively still pond. Well, get ready for the “trouble makers” to rock the boat again.
For the entire month of April, PayPerPost is offering a single payout opportunity of $1000 with no real requirements for your blog. Normally, blog post opportunities are strictly regulated through segmentation which allows you to only take post opportunities which directly apply to your blog. This blog opportunity has no such requirements, other than being the lucky S.O.B. to catch the opportunity when it post sometime on Tuesday. This is a big opportunity for a lot of bloggers out there.
With a $1000 payout, I wonder if this has changed the minds of a few people who were on the ropes about PayPerPost. Money does a lot of convincing these days. A lot of convincing.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Channeling my inner teenage girl.

I was on the phone today with my study group discussing a group project due in a couple of weeks in the class I am taking. There are three of us, so the easiest way to meet would just to phone conference all together and discuss the project. I volunteered to connect us all with three way calling.

The calling wasn't going well, with me hanging up on everyone a few times, until I decided to channel my inner teenage girl to make the call. I literally thought to myself that millions of teenage girls have been doing this for years, how difficult could it be for a Litigation Support Analyst who is only a few credits away from graduating with a degree in Information Technology to figure this stupid three way calling thing out.

Apparently the phone gods agreed because after making that statement, I was able to connect everyone together. So, if you're ever in a hot spot and can't figure something out, channel that teenage girl to help you out. Apparently it works.

Another CLEP test down!

I took, and passed, my Natural Sciences CLEP test today. Woo hoo! For those who don't know what a CLEP test is, basically it is an equivalency test that gives you college credit if you pass it. Today, I passed the Natural Sciences test, which gives me 6 college credits. I'd say it's a pretty good deal for a 120 minute test that cost me a total of $80 to take. Well, tack on another $30 for a study guide for it.

This test puts me closer than ever to my goal of graduating in June. Actually, unless I somehow fail one of my last two classes, this test solidifies my participation in the graduation ceremony. You need to have 9 credits or less to go in order to participate in the ceremony, which I will be at after I finish the last two weeks of the class I am currently in. After that, I have one class to go and one last CLEP test to take.

My next test is a History and Sociology test, which won't be easy, but I have backups in case I fail the test. There are other tests I can take to make up for it if I don't do well. That wasn't the case with the Natural Sciences test. If I failed that one, my only other options would be the straight up Biology or Chemistry tests. There is no way I'd pass those, so it's really good that I passed the Natural Sciences test (which included both of those previous categories as well as a few others).

I'm taking a week off from studying, then I have a week of training at work. After that, I will start studying for my last CLEP test. Wish me luck!