Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I could afford an XBOX 360....

I really could have, honest. And I could have even paid quadrupal the money like many on EBay, but I said COULD have, not CAN. NO, no, no, no, I decided to date instead. Who even knows the amounts of untold thousands the years have cost me in hopes of love or at the very least love-like sex. But, no that money is gone. People love to give an ear full to a local drunk, crackhead, or gambler for thowing their money away, but what about the daters. Dater, gambler, both end in "er", so does loser, dreamer, and lover. All, are crap, and quite expensive depending on the order you want them in. Goes back to my believe on why prostitution should be legal, and that it is in fact the new millenium's prohibition. That's right, FUCK pot, it's hookers that are being censored, but more on that later, skaters. As for my evening, I've got to and pretend and imagine just what my t.v. would have looked like with a new Xbox unit next to it. But, imagining is as far as it goes cause I threw all my cash and coin away on useless dates, and potential ex-mates.