Monday, November 21, 2005

the upper hand, and how we are losing...

you know gentleman, and yes this is a post for the men, so ladies leave the room. from the get go, due to our male stupidity and lust for fucking to say we did, we lost control. We have no say in the process of life mates, it's all on the fairer sex. Republicans, Democrates, yadayada, etc., etc. have all missed the boat and lost us the sex war. Yeah, that's right the sex war, I said it. To hell with Pearl Harbor and 9/11, the real battle is here in bedroom, of the married man, and the single lone prick. And it's over, we lost. Somewhere in the mid to late sixties our parents and grandparents gave in and high-tailed it out of the way for the women to gain the high road. I believe this. I also believe that it wasn't entirely the governments' of worlds fault. The real secret is, and yes wait for it. All through the years we've all heard the same scam that the men undercount the women 2 to 1 (two women for every guy, say it ain't so, heaven on earth). this is BULLSHIT, BUNK, BLASPEMY. the fact is that it is completely the other way around, and we are the low men on the totem pole. That's right more bolts than nuts. This was hidden for years and years and years because intelligent men in a rooms high above the treetops knew that if this were to get out it would be tragic. Our male monkey brains would surge and ripple at the idea that there is another out there pawning to your woman due to the fact that we in fact could run out of girls, and then what would the outcome be? Disaster!!!! War on the high seas, road warrior in the real world on the highways and biways of every major city. We would rid ourselves of competition and only the strongest would survive. Talk about a defense for homosexuals (no compete contract indeed). But, back to my original point it was in this lie that we lost, the upper hand was inevidibly swapped into the hands of the women, and now 150 dollar dates, with no return call or email, or short answer messages on cellphones are what we have to show for it. Women got us right where no sword or bullet could, not the heart or the balls, but our male fibers and soul. they gutted it, and have no plans of ever letting it sway back in our direction, even if boredom sets in. I drove by a local Best Buy this evening and saw a mass of men and boys (who could tell by the way they were dressed) huddled around in parkas and sleeping bags waiting for 9am to roll around so they could get their pudgy little hands on a brand new XBOX 360, and at first I wanted to laugh at their expense. I really wanted to yell something clever out of the window to lower their self-esteems, but then I thought about it and the idea that they are looking forward to something tangible, to hold and get a response out of. They had figured it out at this most cold and desperate of nights that emotion wasn't worth it from some "loving" girlfriend or fiancee, waiting for a certain look or phrase of words to make their hearts flutter, no it would be found FOR CERTAIN in a plastic encased computer game. It would not fail them or let them down by not calling, its response was guaranteed, and if it failed it could easily be replaced with another. Though some would consider these few "freaks and geeks" just that, I admire them, because they know the war is over and it is time to salvage whatever joy and guarantee of life's emotions there is still left. Even if it comes from Bill Gates.