Finally, a focused dating service that makes sense.
I posted about another dating service a little while ago that, to me, didn’t make a whole lot of sense. Well, I found another focused dating service, but this one makes sense. It’s a Jewish Dating Service. Now, I’m not Jewish myself, but I have several friends who are and I have an aunt who is. Well, she’s not really my aunt in the strictest sense of the term, she’s an old family friend from before I was born and I’ve always called her an aunt. For all intensive purposes, she’s my aunt and she’s Jewish. While, I’m all for free love and dating whomever you choose regardless of religion or race, I completely understand why a service like this is available. If I were Jewish and wanting to date someone who is also Jewish, it might be difficult to find someone without any kind of focus. You can’t really tell someone’s religion just by looking at them in most cases. You would have to ask them. That’s a pretty odd subject to just walk up and ask some attractive stranger about. On the other hand, if you think they might be Jewish and you approach and talk to them, you get to know them enough that you feel comfortable asking, and then they say no, well now you’re in an odd predicament because now you don’t want to date them but you’ve already made the investment of time and effort to talk to them and get to know them. How do back out? How do you proceed but let them know that you aren’t interested in dating anymore. Avoid it all, go to a focused dating site and eliminate the problem altogether. With that out of the way, you can find all sorts of faults in your dates without having to worry about what religion they are. Who knows, perhaps you’ll find someone with fewer faults than all the others and you just might actually find happiness. You never can tell.
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