Finding the POWER to succeed!
I need some power cables, and I've found two things in my search for it. The first is that there are a TON of people offering power cables online. The second is that finding the right power cable is actually fairly difficult. I mostly attribute this to the huge abundance of options out there and lack of a clear vision of what you need. Most people only look for what they've already seen instead of envisioning the perfect tool or product and then searching to see if someone has already made it. I guess this is where truly innovative people start inventing stuff, eh? Occasionally, I find something that I didn't know I needed until I see it. It's one of those scenerios where you always thought some problem you had was annoying, but there was nothing you could do to fix it, so you live with it. Well, I have a lot of different peripherals for my PC requiring a miriad of different cables strung about. Well, I found this universal USB adapter that rocks. I promptly ordered one and moved back on to my power cable search. I happen to find the exact power cable I needed at the same site. Bonus! Happy is me on this day. Check out the USB thingy I bought.
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