Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Sometimes, it pays by the minute

You know, what works for some people, doesn’t work for everyone else. I’ve talked about cell phone providers before and how great certain deals were, but you know, some people either can’t commit to a standard 2-year contract or they just plain don’t want to. Sometimes it’s not their decision and their crummy credit rating keeps them from qualifying. In this day in age, you really can’t be without a cell phone. I don’t care if you don’t even have a plan on the phone at all, you need a phone to call for emergency services in…well, an emergency. Of course, 911 is not the only people you should or can call in an emergency, but that’s all they’ll let you call without a plan. For those people, I think that prepaid cell phones are the ideal solution. They’re relatively cheap and you only spend exactly what you want to or what you can afford. You just load it up with as many minutes as you’d like and you’re set. What’s that? You didn’t spend all of your minutes from last month? Well, then you have even less minutes to buy this month, don’t you. Let’s see you do that with a regular cell phone service deal. No doubt about it, there is a definite advantage of the prepaid phone for certain people.