I survived Thanksgiving
Well, I survived Thanksgiving. It was touch and go there for a bit, but I made it through.
Each year, we trade off holidays with my family and my wife's family. Well, this is the year that we spend Thanksgiving with my wife's family and Christmas with my family. Well, we decided to do Thanksgiving at our house this year. Mostly because I am working the trial and can't really leave town because of it.
What was supposed to be a quiet Thanksgiving with my wife's parents turned into a big family reunion, of sorts. My wife's sister got invited, then the brother, then the aunt, then the grandparents. Several of these invitations were basically just courtesy invitations and we did not expect them to actually show up. We were surprised as can be when they said they would be here. Of course, at that point, you can just recall the invitation and say you were just kidding. So, we had to accommodate them all.
As an odd twist of events, what I expected to be a quiet weekend for work turned into a fairly busy weekend as my help was needed to prepare the presentation for closing statements in the trial I am working. This is pretty bittersweet in that I was somewhat happy to get away from the fiasco of my wife's family, but I was not very happy to have to work over a holiday weekend. To add to the problem, my wife was excessively annoyed that I had to work. Pissed might even be a better word for it. It was quite the cause of tension between us as well.
It all worked out though. I did have to work and the wife wasn't happy about it, but we got through it. I was able to wrap things up yesterday and didn't have to work today, so she is happy about that. Especially since everyone from her family left either last night or early today. She would have been alone if I had to work. I'm sure she'd be stressed and upset about it. I want to keep her happy as much as possible. You know what they say, "Happy wife, happy life".
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