D&D cartoons...aaahhh, the memories
The Dungeons and Dragons Animated Series has been released. I remember watching this show as a kid. Wow that was fun. Between Dungeons and Dragons, He-Man, Transformers, and G.I. Joe…the boy grew up to become a man. I used to love the Dungeons and Dragons show. I wonder if it would hold up if I watched it now though. I remember thinking the world of Voltron when I was a kid, but a few years back I actually came across it again and I was really disappointed. I think there are a lot of things like that. They hold a magical place in your heart from your youth, but if you were to watch it or experience it now, it would actually take away something from the past. It happened to me with Voltron. I held it in high regard in my memory, but now I can’t help but to think how stupid and repetitive it was. So, I probably will not be buying or even watching the Dungeons and Dragons Animated Series DVD set because of that reason. I don’t want to shatter my childhood memories and kill that little big of magic still left inside me.
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