Vegas baby, Vegas!
According to the commercials and ads, Las Vegas is a party town where anything that can happen will happen…and then you don’t talk about it once you’re home. Or, if you watch CSI, you’re probably under the assumption that you’re going to be murdered in Las Vegas, which probably isn’t the case. I’ve been to Vegas numerous times and a friend at work has family there. On a couple of business trips to Vegas, we visited my co-worker’s family there. From the perspective of someone who actually lives there, it’s a whole different town. More and more people move to Vegas and the surrounding areas every day. Well, this blog entry is for those people. If you’re moving to Vegas, most people rent a house to start and buy later on. To check for houses to rent in Las Vegas, click that link. For Las Vegas New homes, click this link. Both links take you to, which is a great site for finding a home to rent or buy in Vegas. Check it out.
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